Thursday, September 21, 2017

2nd Grade!

Elliot started 2nd grade a couple of weeks ago. It's so hard to believe how quickly he's growing. It seems like yesterday I was making my first post here and scouring the internet for everything I could find about Port Wine Stains. What helped me get through those early times the most, was knowing that I was not alone. I reached out to several parents and spoke to them directly regarding their children's journey. I hope that the information you've found here has helped ease your fears as well.

Elliot is now scheduled for treatment #19 in December. I think we're also going to aim for another treatment in March. While he is in the maintenance phrase, I feel like it's important to do the best we can while he's still young. We slack on the sunscreen at times, but we were much more diligent this year. We're hoping that some of the scarring will eventually fade but our doctor has reassured us that he can help with that in the future if it's needed. It's amazing to see how far he has come. His birthmark is still noticeable, but it is so much lighter than it was before. He's learned to answer the question of "what is that on your face" by himself. I'm so very proud of him. <3

I'll be back in December! See you then! xoxo -Jena

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