Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Treatment #21 Post Op Photos

Elliot's been battling a cold, along with mom, for the past week so "updating the blog" kept getting pushed to the back burner.  It's been almost 3 weeks since his laser surgery for his port wine stain. I haven't updated regularly but I will add all of the photos here. He seemed to swell more this time, and it last for a few days. He healed up really well though. He did get a few light scabs down the bridge, and just under, his nose. He still has some redness from the treatment but his spots are mostly gone. Within the next couple of weeks we should see how much clearance he got from this one.

4 days post op

10 days post op

12 days post op

20 days post op

I'm not surprised that it's taken so long since it was a really heavy treatment. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with the Prima laser next month.
