Saturday, May 17, 2014

Treatment #14

On Wednesday Elliot went back to the U of M to get his 14th treatment. Everything went well as usually, except when the anesthesia starts to wear off. He experiences severe mood swings and lashes out for about an hour. Once that's over he's back to his normal happy self. :-) I just love this boy more than words could ever say. 

This next photo was taken today, 3 days after treatment.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Wow! I haven't updated this blog in quite a while! Elliot did get his treatment in November, however that was the last one due to cancellations for snow. He is scheduled back at Mott's on May 14th (next Wednesday) for treatment #14. Since we have had scheduling issues we are not on track where we want to be. Our plan at this time is to have a full treatment done next week, take the summer off, and possibly do a blending treatment before he starts preschool in the Fall. I have yet to decide how to handle treatments during the school year. He has started to struggle with his confidence, though I don't believe it is related to his PWS whatsoever. He is shy and feels like people are laughing at him so I imagine it will only be worse if he goes to school with spots on his face. We might just plan to do treatments during Christmas break and Spring break. I guess we will see how it goes after this.

I will definitely be back next week with treatment updates, so stay tuned!