Thursday, January 5, 2017

Treatment #18

Whew! The holiday's and New Year are always so busy around here so I wasn't able to update like I wanted to. Following Christmas we had a nasty run of strep throat and sinus infections so we're just getting back on the mend.

Elliot had his 18th laser treatment on December 23rd and did spectacular. We did a mixed treatment of blending and lightening. If you haven't read our previous posts, a lightening treatment uses a smaller laser and higher intensity pulse than the blending. We decided to do both because he has a stubborn area on his cheek that hasn't lightened as well as the other areas. Unfortunately, this time he experienced heavy scabbing in these areas. I believe this was a result of not only the intensity but the fact that it had been 11 months since his last treatment. The blended areas did not scab and healed much faster.

I'm including a few photos from his treatment day, along with one from Christmas to show what it looked like a couple days after. I need to get better recent pics of the healing process. Sadly my Note 3 has a TERRIBLE camera so the picture quality stinks. I always forget to bust out our Sony for times like these.

Elliot has taken this week off of school (the last week was winter break). He will be going back next week but I wanted him to have a little extra healing time at home. He's still a little self-conscience about his "spots" so I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

Waiting in the Pre-Op room

In Recovery

Eating Chipotle after leaving Mott's
Christmas Day

That's all for now! I will get some recent healing pictures up this weekend. :)


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