Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fall 2016 Update!

Whew! It's been quite a while since I've updated. It seems like there is not much going on lately in the world of Elliot's PWS Journey. We have drastically slowed our roll with his treatments as we are now in the maintenance phase. I am currently trying to figure out when will be the best time to get Elliot in for his maintenance treatment (which will be #18) since he is in school full time now.

Speaking of school, Elliot is a 1st grader now! WOW! I cannot believe how quickly the years have flown by. If you've been following this blog since the early days you understand what I mean. He is really loving his teacher, Mrs. Savage. 

Two weeks ago Elliot had his re-check with Dr. Luparello (his ophthalmologist). Everything was great! He did such an AMAZING job getting his pressure checked. I love healthy eye checks. <3 I forgot to get pictures of him in the chair, but I did snag one in the toy room while he was waiting for his dilation drops to work. 

I hope you are all having an amazing fall, it's our favorite time of the year here! Next weekend we will be visiting the pumpkin patch for fall activities and pumpkin picking. Elliot is still trying to decide what he wants to be for Halloween this year so I'm sure we will be in a last minute rush for a costume. ;) 


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