Sunday, November 5, 2017

Family photos and school updates

Hello all!

We just got our "sneak peeks" for our family photo session and I had to share them here. I realized after we left the session that I forgot to mention the PWS to the photographer, and I've had people try to "edit" out his birthmark before. I was happy to see that she didn't touch it. <3

Elliot is scheduled for his treatment in December so there will be a lot more activity here next month. He is overdue for his ophthalmologist appointment due to switching insurance, but that's next on the list to be scheduled.

Second grade is going VERY well! We had parent teacher conferences last week and Elliot is testing above the national levels for reading and math. WOOHOO! We love this kid to the moon and back. Enjoy the sneak peek, and I'll be back in a couple weeks with more.


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